Before using the forum, there are rules that need to be followed when using the forum on Wedgar. Not following these rules will result in a ban from the site or an account deletion.

If anyone is caught breaking these rules, please report it to a staff member and they will take action on the site.

Hate Speech, Discrimination, Racism, Sexism

We absolutely do not tolerate Hate Speech, Discrimination, Racism, OR Sexism on Wedgar. Period. Anyone who is caught talking about these once will be banned straight without any warnings.

Abuse, Harassment, Threats, Intimidation, Bullying, Trolling

We absolutely do not tolerate Abuse, Harassment, Threats, Intimidation, Bullying, OR Trolling on Wedgar. Period. Anyone who is caught talking about these once will be banned straight without any warnings.

Spam, Irrelevant Or Repetitive Posts, Mass Advertising

The forums are NOT the place for these things. These will be removed and repeat offenders could become subject to bans from the site. There are no exceptions to this.

Scams, Phishing, Misleading Content

Spam, Phishing, and Misleading Content are not permitted on the forum and are not permitted anywhere on Wedgar. These posts will be removed and users could get banned for repeated offenses. For severe cases or for phishing, users will receive a straight up ban 


Do not bump into threads older than 30 days. Anyone who necroposts a thread older than 30 days will be warned by a staff member not to do it again. If it continues, you will be banned from the site for a certain amount of time.


Do not tell other users what to do. Only admins, staff, or forum moderators are allowed to enforce the rules on the forum and enforcing any rules in any way when not either will result in a warning. Repeated offenses will grant a ban.